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Designing a Life Plan with an Eternal Perspective

Designing a Life Plan with an Eternal Perspective

As Christians, our life planning should look vastly different than secular approaches. While the world promotes self-reliance and indulgence, we seek God’s purpose. A life plan centered on His will, not our own desires, is key.

Proverbs 19:21 reminds us that God’s plans prevail over our own. Thus, a successful Christian life plan starts with setting our hearts and minds on Him. Through prayer and immersion in Scripture, we discern His direction.

God expects believers to plan and steward resources wisely. But this planning must be Spirit-led, not driven by earthly ambition. He wants to guide our plans, not rubber stamp our agenda.

A life centered on God’s purpose will succeed eternally, even if disappointing by worldly measures. Conversely, plans pursuing only self-interest and pleasure will ultimately fail.

Life planning is essential for intentionally carrying out the Great Commission. It helps strategically establish God’s Kingdom. But it must reflect His priorities, not just our own dreams.

A successful Christian life plan yields unexpected fruit as God molds our goals. It may look much different than imagined initially. Surrendering our designs to Him brings freedom and lasting reward.

Approach life planning as a spiritual act, not just logical process. Seek the Lord’s guidance first and foremost. As He directs your steps, you will gain an eternal perspective that reshapes every decision.

In Christ,
Stephen H. Hammond


Stephen H. Hammond, president and founder of Christian Values Investing Inc., established the first “fee-only” Biblical responsible investment advisory firms in 1993 to help Christians align investments with their values and better manage finances from a biblical perspective. He graduated from Georgia Southern University with a finance degree and worked in the Investment Banking industry before joining Merrill Lynch in 1988. Stephen is a published author and speaker, a spirit-filled Christian who traces his faith heritage to preacher ancestors. In 2005, he established the nonprofit Covenant Financial Ministries to teach biblical stewardship principles and money management. Stephen has decades of experience in money management and financial planning. and serves with Kingdom Advisors and the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He has appeared on radio and television, spoken at churches, and authored books including Mission Possible: An Investment Guide for Christians and The Successful Life Manager. He married Angela in 1990, and has two children.

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