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Stewardship is More Than Tithing – It’s Wholehearted Offering

Stewardship is More Than Tithing – It’s Wholehearted Offering

Many churches focus on tithing and giving during January as a stewardship emphasis. But true, biblical stewardship encompasses so much more than just finances.

In Exodus 25, God instructs Moses to gather offerings from the Israelites to construct the ark of the covenant and tabernacle. Importantly, these offerings were to come from those who gave willingly and wholeheartedly, not under compulsion.

Similarly today, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) who contributes out of genuine desire to see His Kingdom advanced, not guilt or obligation. Our finances should flow from willing hearts overflowing with gratitude for all God has given us.

Tragically, many give begrudgingly, even resentfully, while church leaders pressure members for urgent needs. But this completely misses the heart posture behind biblical stewardship.

God willingly offered His own Son to die in our place while we were still sinners. This unfathomable gift should inspire us to become willing, eager givers like our Father. It’s a privilege to fund the spread of the Gospel through tithes and offerings.

Stewardship involves much more than Sunday morning checks. It means managing all we’ve been given – time, talents, relationships, bodies, work, resources – well for God’s purposes. It’s whole life devoted to glorifying Him.

God calls us in Isaiah 1 to wash our hands of sin and oppression, then come willing to obey so we may “eat of the good of the land.” Our whole hearts must be cleansed and offered back to Him.

This new year, seek to grow in comprehensive stewardship. Make caring for God’s world and serving others core priorities, not just giving money. Offer your whole being to Him. Discover the blessing of willing, cheerful offering of all you are.

In Christ,

Stephen H. Hammond



Stephen H. Hammond, president and founder of Christian Values Investing Inc., established the first “fee-only” Biblical responsible investment advisory firms in 1993 to help Christians align investments with their values and better manage finances from a biblical perspective. He graduated from Georgia Southern University with a finance degree and worked in the Investment Banking industry before joining Merrill Lynch in 1988. Stephen is a published author and speaker, a spirit-filled Christian who traces his faith heritage to preacher ancestors. In 2005, he established the nonprofit Covenant Financial Ministries to teach biblical stewardship principles and money management. Stephen has decades of experience in money management and financial planning. and serves with Kingdom Advisors and the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He has appeared on radio and television, spoken at churches, and authored books including Mission Possible: An Investment Guide for Christians and The Successful Life Manager. He married Angela in 1990, and has two adult children.

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