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Seeking Biblical Financial Counsel

Throughout life, we receive advice from many sources. As a kid, I often ignored my parents’ wise guidance, only realizing later how right they were. The same principle applies with finances – we must seek and heed sound biblical counsel, not just popular worldly perspectives. Proverbs 15:22 warns that “plans fail for lack of counsel, […]

Pursuing Early Retirement God’s Way

The FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is attracting many with the dream of one day having enough passive income from investments to stop working. It’s an alluring goal. But should Christians pursue early retirement? While tempting, we must examine our motivations prayerfully. Will it deepen dependence on God or reduce it? Is the aim […]

Discovering God’s Blueprint for Finances

My journey towards biblically wise money management began as a child with my mother’s teaching. When I desired a new baseball glove, she started giving me a small allowance – with tithing required! This instilled God’s principles early. Later as a young adult, I dug into Scripture to learn its extensive guidance on finances. Three […]

Unlocking Your Kingdom Purpose: The Power of Written Goals in Christian Life

Christ calls us to live successfully – with focus and goals aligned to our Kingdom purpose. Without clarity of direction, we drift through life missing God’s full potential. But He has equipped and qualified us for the race ahead through His Word and Christ’s sacrifice. Those without written goals and vision lack direction and hope. […]

Setting Goals with an Eternal Perspective

As Christians, the most effective goals we can set are those formed with eternity in view. Daily prayer helps develop this kingdom mindset. It enables us to hear God’s direction for our goals. After prayer, write down specific goals and refine them into measurable steps. Prioritize according to their alignment with God’s purposes. Like Paul, […]

Navigating True Financial Prosperity with Biblical Guidance

Join Stephen Hammond from Covenant Financial Ministries and special guest Grayson Shaw as they delve into the profound connection between generosity, stewardship, and true financial prosperity through the lens of Biblical principles. In this enlightening discussion, Stephen shares his personal journey from aspiring to wealth through investment banking to discovering the deeper, more fulfilling path of financial success grounded in Christian values. Grayson adds his insights on the common misconceptions about investing versus gambling, the importance of managing resources wisely, and how faith plays a crucial role in financial decision-making. Together, they explore the dangers of materialism, the value of planning, and the transformative power of living a life of generosity. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of personal finance or seeking to align your financial practices with your faith, this conversation offers timeless wisdom and practical advice for achieving financial freedom and using wealth as a tool for good.

Is Investing Gambling?

In this insightful episode, Stephen Hammond from Covenant Financial Ministries is joined by special guest Grayson Shaw to tackle a frequently asked question: Is investing akin to gambling? Delving into the nuances of risk versus reward, Stephen and Grayson elucidate the differences between high-risk gambling and calculated investing. They explore everyday risks compared to the strategic decisions involved in investing, emphasizing the importance of due diligence and long-term planning. Through real-life examples and a discussion on the potential pitfalls of seeking quick wealth, this video offers valuable advice on prudent financial stewardship according to Christian values. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the financial world, join us to gain a deeper understanding of making wise investment choices that align with biblical principles.

Cultivating the Habit of Saving for Emergencies

A common struggle for families is inconsistent saving. Without an emergency fund, unexpected expenses force many into debt. But as Christians, we know trials will come. 1 Peter 4:12 warns us not to be surprised by “fiery trials” which test our faith. Though the enemy tries us financially, God promises to deliver us from every […]

Divine Dollars: Mastering Money with Faith Over Finance

Are you caught in the dilemma of wanting more – a new car, house, or lifestyle – but feeling a tug in your spirit questioning if it aligns with God’s plan for your finances? In ‘Divine Dollars: Mastering Money with Faith Over Finance,’ we delve into the crucial balance between our financial decisions and our faith.

Join us as Gracion Shaw, an investment advisor with a heart for Christian values and investing, offers invaluable insights into managing money in a way that honors God. This video is not just about making smart financial moves; it’s about understanding the spiritual significance behind each decision and recognizing the impact of our choices on our faith journey.

Discover the biblical principles of stewardship, learn the importance of counting the cost, and explore how to invest ethically while aligning your financial goals with your spiritual values. Whether you’re contemplating a major purchase or seeking guidance on how to manage your finances in a God-pleasing manner, this conversation will equip you with the wisdom to navigate the complexities of money and faith.

Stay till the end for practical advice on creating a legacy that blesses your family and furthers the Kingdom, proving that it is possible to serve God faithfully in your financial life. Remember, it’s not just about managing money; it’s about stewarding God’s resources wisely.

Subscribe for more insights on blending faith with everyday life, and let’s journey together towards financial freedom and spiritual growth.

Facing the $34 Trillion Question: Christian Insights on Navigating the National Debt

In this eye-opening video, join us as we sit down with Gracion Shaw, an investment advisor with a deep commitment to Christian values and ethical investing, to tackle the daunting subject of the United States’ staggering $34 trillion national debt. As the figures continue to climb, leaving many Americans questioning the future, we delve into what this means for you, your finances, and our nation’s economic health.

Discover the broader implications of the government’s deficit spending and explore biblical wisdom on financial stewardship, as we discuss practical steps you can take to safeguard your financial future in uncertain times. From understanding the difference between the national debt and annual deficits to grasping the impact of this debt on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), this video is packed with critical insights and advice.

Gracion Shaw shares his expert perspective on how Christians and indeed all concerned citizens can prepare for potential economic challenges ahead. Learn about diversifying investments, the importance of living within your means, and how to approach debt reduction and savings with a biblical mindset.

This video is not just an analysis of the current debt situation; it’s a call to action for responsible financial planning and reliance on God’s guidance in all areas of life. Whether you’re deeply concerned about the national debt or seeking to improve your personal financial situation, this conversation offers valuable insights and hope for the future.

Remember, while the numbers may seem overwhelming, through informed decisions and faith-driven stewardship, we can face these challenges head-on. Watch now to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate these turbulent financial waters.

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