While cultures promote gaining earthly wealth, Jesus urges us to store up imperishable treasure in heaven instead. Our ultimate “investment” should be in pursuing God’s Kingdom and righteousness.
Some Christians wonder if investing is gambling. Gambling seeks extraordinary gain through extraordinary risk, yet most lose. Investing entails calculated risks aiming for reasonable returns aligned with your needs.
Risk itself is not unbiblical. Every choice contains some uncertainty. However, Scripture warns against get-rich-quick schemes and the love of money. Our investments should avoid greed and enable generosity.
With an eternal perspective, investment risk balances prudence and faith. We prayerfully assess options through the lens of stewardship. The goal is not excitement but furthering Gospel work.
Rather than seeking bigger barns to store more wealth, Jesus instructs investing in things above. We devote time, abilities and assets to grow God’s Kingdom. The dividends are eternal.
Evaluate investments by Kingdom return on investment, not just financial. Does it expand ministry impact? Does it provide for your family to flourish? These are worthy aims.
Let investments facilitate living and giving beyond yourself. They become instruments of blessing, not idolatry. View market swings through the unshakable hope we have in Christ.
No earthly portfolio lasts forever, but every act of faithfulness stores up treasure in heaven. Practice generosity and good stewardship today. Keep your eyes fixed on eternity.
In Christ,
Stephen H. Hammond
Stephen H. Hammond, president and founder of Christian Values Investing Inc., established the first “fee-only” Biblical responsible investment advisory firms in 1993 to help Christians align investments with their values and better manage finances from a biblical perspective. He graduated from Georgia Southern University with a finance degree and worked in the Investment Banking industry before joining Merrill Lynch in 1988. Stephen is a published author and speaker, a spirit-filled Christian who traces his faith heritage to preacher ancestors. In 2005, he established the nonprofit Covenant Financial Ministries to teach biblical stewardship principles and money management. Stephen has decades of experience in money management and financial planning. and serves with Kingdom Advisors and the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He has appeared on radio and television, spoken at churches, and authored books including Mission Possible: An Investment Guide for Christians and The Successful Life Manager. He married Angela in 1990 and has two children.