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Reflecting God’s Values in Our Spending

In my work, I often counsel Christians struggling with overspending. Our culture pushes instant gratification, causing many to make poor financial decisions. Like a driver speeding obliviously toward a cliff, it is frustrating to see people sabotage their future. As a professional money manager and financial advisor, I have an obligation to warn of the […]

Taming Spending Through Budgeting

Overspending often stems from denial and lack of planning. Without a spending plan, it’s easy to indulge impulses without considering the impact. But budgeting aligns expenses with your values. It makes each purchase a spiritual decision. God owns everything. When that sinks in, we ask harder questions. “Lord, do you want me to spend your […]

Aligning Your Spending with God’s Purpose

Creating a spending plan (budget) is an ongoing process requiring regular reworking. When emergencies or changing needs arise, revisit and adjust your plan. Use it as a tool to align expenses with your values and long-term goals. After making a plan, identify areas where spending is excessive or detracting from your kingdom purposes. Commit to […]

Seeking Godly Financial Counsel

In the story of Job, well-meaning friends offer flawed advice during Job’s suffering. They assume his misfortune must be punishment for sin. But as righteous Job insists, that’s not necessarily true. This reminds us that even godly, knowledgeable people can miss the mark when counseling others, especially on complex topics like personal finance. Their intentions […]


Perception is a powerful thing. So many of our actions are determined by how we perceive things to be. How we perceive is based on what we think we hear or see. Yet, our perception of events, words, and people can be entirely wrong. Looking back over my life, I realize during my youth and […]

Good Friends!

In the story of Job, God allows Satan to strip a holy and blameless man of everything he has: his wealth, his family, even his health.  In the end, Job is found faithful and God restores to him everything he lost, and then some. Like Job, most Christians have two or three good friends that […]

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