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Taming Spending Through Budgeting

Taming Spending Through Budgeting

Overspending often stems from denial and lack of planning. Without a spending plan, it’s easy to indulge impulses without considering the impact. But budgeting aligns expenses with your values. It makes each purchase a spiritual decision.

God owns everything. When that sinks in, we ask harder questions. “Lord, do you want me to spend your money on these new clothes or that car upgrade when my car runs fine?” A budget cultivates this eternal perspective.

Tracking current spending exposes excess. Review bank statements to list monthly expenses. This shows where the money actually goes, which may differ from assumptions. Reality checks inspire change.

A spending plan commits to biblically-based money management, rather than letting finances rule you. Updating it frequently strengthens this discipline.

Budgeting builds healthy habits now that serve you lifelong. As needs change, rework the plan to adapt. See it as a tool for focusing funds on what matters most.

The goal isn’t deprivation, but alignment with God’s priorities. Careful spending frees up resources for generosity and ministry. It guides you to become a wise steward.

With ongoing recalibration, your plan channels spending to bless others. It tames impulse shopping and curbs aimless waste. You become purpose-driven with money.

Entrust your budget to the Lord. Invite Him into each spending decision. His wisdom liberates us from money’s grip. Financial freedom emerges when we make purchases spiritually.

In Christ,
Stephen H. Hammond


Stephen H. Hammond, president and founder of Christian Values Investing Inc., established the first “fee-only” Biblical responsible investment advisory firms in 1993 to help Christians align investments with their values and better manage finances from a biblical perspective. He graduated from Georgia Southern University with a finance degree and worked in the Investment Banking industry before joining Merrill Lynch in 1988. Stephen is a published author and speaker, a spirit-filled Christian who traces his faith heritage to preacher ancestors. In 2005, he established the nonprofit Covenant Financial Ministries to teach biblical stewardship principles and money management. Stephen has decades of experience in money management and financial planning. and serves with Kingdom Advisors and the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He has appeared on radio and television, spoken at churches, and authored books including Mission Possible: An Investment Guide for Christians and The Successful Life Manager. He married Angela in 1990, and has two adult children.

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